Species Working Group Forum

Join our monthly Species Working Group Forum!

This virtual forum is designed for you and your entire Species Working Group team to network with, and learn from, other species working groups facing similar issues and challenges. This forum will also offer space to identify areas of common-ground for collaboration.

February to July 2025

3pm Eastern

We are facilitating a series of monthly forums to work through the R2R Species Recovery Progress Wheel with your team. Our goal is to have many more teams use the Wheel over the next few months and be able to use the data to help advance all working groups/recovery teams. 

We would like all species working groups to be represented at these sessions. Ideally, multiple team members can attend and someone from the team will attend all of them.

The forums will take place on the following dates at 3pm Eastern; each will cover a section of the Recovery Wheel:

  • February 19th: Organize Network
  • March 19th: Assess Species Populations
  • April 16th: Identify Focus Areas
  • May 21st: Identify Challenges
  • June 18th: Strategize Recovery 
  • July 16th: Implement Action 

August 21, 2024 - 2pm Eastern

We will continue our discussion of organizing and facilitating the work of Species Working Groups. Becky Keller, Randy Dettmers and others have been working on developing a document that is intended to provide some suggestions on “Beneficial Management Practices” for Species Working Groups by using your experience in these teams. Please register and join us for this Forum to share your ideas/suggestions on this topic.  

June 12, 2024

We will discuss how to generate capacity (staff support) and organize it for the benefit of the Species Working Groups. There may be an opportunity in the future to secure resources to efficiently support this work through shared coordinator positions. We would like to develop a strategy to use whatever financial support we secure as efficiently as possible and we want to hear from you about the feasibility of shared coordinators among working groups

April 24th, 2024

At this first forum, we will discuss the R2R Species Recovery Progress wheel. This will include a short presentation followed by a discussion. We will also identify topics for future forums based on species working group needs and get input on how to effectively structure this forum.

Photo: Judy Gallagher. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.