Join our monthly species working group webinar series!
In this series, we aim to highlight a species working group and foster collaboration and discussion across groups. Webinars are now being presented with simultaneous translation into Spanish.
Webinars occur on the second Friday of each month from 1 to 2pm Eastern time. The meeting will take place via Zoom: click here to register and join the meeting. When you click the link, you will have the opportunity to register for one or more of the events in the series. You will then receive an email confirmation with an option to add the event(s) to your calendar.
Upcoming Webinars
February 14, 2025: Osvel Hinojosa-Huerta – Shorebird conservation through capacity building at the flyway scale: five years of the Coastal Solutions Fellows Program
March 14, 2025: Fundación Jocotoco – Cerulean Warbler
April 11, 2025: EJ Williams – Bachman’s Sparrow
May 9, 2025: Chrissy Kondrat – Desert Thrasher
More webinars will be listed soon, stay tuned!
Past Webinars
January 10, 2025: Tom Will – Using the R2R Framework to Guide and Assess Yellow-billed Cuckoo Progress toward Recovery
December 13, 2024: Jeff Walters – Red-cockaded Woodpecker
November 8, 2024: Amy Chabot – Loggerhead Shrike
October 11, 2024: Brandt Ryder – Grassland Birds
September 13, 2024: Steve Roels – The Evolution of the Kirtland’s Warbler Conservation Team in the Post-Delisting Era
June 14, 2024: – Yvan Satgé and Jennifer Wheeler – Black-capped Petrel
May 10, 2024: Calandra Stanley – Yellow-billed Cuckoo
April 12, 2024: Amber Roth and Ruth Bennett – Golden-winged Warbler
March 8, 2024: Clay Green – Implementation of the Reddish Egret Conservation Plan
February 9, 2024: Randy Dettmers and Elizabeth Hunter – Identifying remaining critical demographic information gaps and developing a full annual cycle population model for Cerulean Warblers
January 12, 2024: Michael Green and Ken Popper – Western Yellow Rail Working Group organization and progress
December 8, 2023: David Yeany and Matt Young – Evening Grosbeak: Initiating Continental Research and Conservation for a Steeply Declining Irruptive Migrant
November 17, 2023: Kelly Srigley Werner and Katie Christie – Lesser Yellowlegs Research and Conservation: Filling Knowledge Gaps while Moving to Action.
October 13, 2023: Thomas Ryan – The status of Least Tern Populations in California and Northwest Mexico
Photo by Alpsdake. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.