“Halting and Reversing Loss of Migratory Birds through Strengthened Linkages across Flyways – A Response to 3 Billion Birds Lost”
This 2-hour session is intended to be the first of at least two discussions in which BirdLife International will facilitate a space for our partner organizations working across Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to share their perspectives regarding how to remove systemic barriers that have historically prevented the fair and equitable inclusion of the conservation and ornithological community in LAC in establishing priorities and developing solutions for the conservation of neotropical migrant and resident bird species. The sessions are designed to be guided discussions around core questions of interest, with spaces for specific BirdLife partners to share insights, as well as opportunities for open dialogue between participants around these key topics. In addition to the discussion, our aim is to facilitate the identification of a small set of core action items or next steps that this group of participants will take to advance collaborative life cycle conservation of birds at an international scale.
BirdLife International and R2R- International Listening Session – January 31, 2023